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the pills是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/t...pills.htm 发布时间:2021-03-25
the pills是什么意思 the pills在线翻译 the pills什么意思 the pills的意思 the pills的翻译 the pills的解释 the pills的发音 the pills的同义词 the pillsthe pills 双语例句

1. Simil, Simul-similar The two pills are alike in color and shape, but there the similarity ends.

2. the pills什么意思

2. Fiber producers have reduced pilling by lowering the tenacity of their fibers so that pills may be more easily abraded from the surface of cloth.

3. At that time the Divine Mother will gather up the seeds for the future creation, even as the elderly mistress of the house keeps in her hotchpotch-pot little bags of cucumber seeds, \'sea-foam\', blue pills, and other miscellaneous things.

4. Our Friend, Big Pharma - Are you completely confident in the company that made those pills you take?

5. Guide Shinji around the city taking pills and defeating enemies.

6. ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of Baokundan Pills on reproductive organs and endocrine function in normal rat and kidney deficient model mice.

7. This is very easy to do and it is not expensive unlike the pills, tablets, and creams for penis enlargement.

8. Objective To re-estimate the efficacy of emergency contraceptive pills by new Wilcox method in contrast to Dixon method.

9. Objectie To re-estimate the efficacy of emergency contraceptie pills by new Wilcox method in contrast to Dixon method.

10. the pills什么意思

10. Objective To explore the effect of Angongniuhuang pills on the intracerebral hemorrhage injury in rats, and to compare the effect of the ANP and its simplified prescription.

11. We don\'t have any more of your pills. In the meantime, I can offer you an alternative.

12. the pills的解释

12. For external application: All early sores and furuncles, if the swelling do not fester, dissolve ten or more pills in a little water or vinegar, apply it to and rub the periphery of the inflammation several times daily till the swelling is eliminated.

13. In layman words, out of 100 customers, only 2 are still taking the pills after 2 years.

14. A Chinese medicine physician should ask patients whether they use sleeping pills and should be aware of the side effect of sleeping pills. This study introduced the mechanisms and side effects of common sleeping pills.

15. Some of the newer drugs are pills, playing to pharmaceutical industry\'s strength in chemistry.

16. Be sure to check the product website to see if any and what type of official medical testing was done on their pills.

17. I try to take more pills, but I fell. It was the wrong thing, and...

18. the pills

18. I feel bad for all of the people continuing to pop pills and chew tablets up and still have heartburn or acid reflux.

19. After the accident, the doctor gave her some pills to sedate her.

20. He bought some pills from the dispensary.

the pills 单语例句the pills在线翻译

1. Call me a prude if you will, but there is something odd and unnerving about contraception pills being sold over the counter.

2. As in Israel\'s case, side effects from taking the pills without food can lead patients to neglect treatment.

3. She had earlier called her physician to say she was taking pills, and it appeared she had fallen from a cliff into the ocean.

4. Zhu reportedly ground up sleeping pills and mixed the drugs into his cold medications.

5. The girl told her parents that she and the other seven students had set a date to take pills to commit group suicide on Sunday.

6. The complaint also tosses in the claim that Winfrey and Bumpus were asleep during the June flight after taking sleeping pills.

7. It is just taking the same pills continuously for four months, so the ovulation cycle is halted until the woman stops taking them.

8. But he said the findings might not be projected to women using modern contraceptive pills, which may have a different risks than earlier products.

9. Many believe contraceptive pills will prevent them from having children in the future, so they refuse to use them.

10. All the students who have taken the contraceptive pills went to see doctors last week.

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本文链接: http://bigpills.immuno-online.com/view-729992.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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